Tips and Tricks

K Brooke Nelson

3/20/20211 min read

Instant Sex Change

You entered Uncle John and Aunt Mary into your database along with their children. Then you notice that you inadvertently reversed the sexes of John and Mary, such that you have Aunt John and Uncle Mary. What do you do now? No problem. You simply click on the sex button for each person and select the prop-er sex. The sex button is located on the Person View between the tool bar and the cameo photo panel.


Oh no, I just added a Baptism Event to the wrong Person! 

You just spent a lot of time setting up a “fully loaded” Event by attaching documents, photos, adding Source References and identifying witnesses, but then you discover that you assigned the Event to “Person B” rather than “Person A”.  You do not have to delete the Event and repeat your efforts for the “Person A”. Here is what you can do to move the Event to its rightful owner:

1. With your mouse, select the misplaced Event in “Person B’s” Event Summary table so that it is highlighted.

2. While the entry is selected, click the mouse’s right button to display the popup menu, and then select the “Mark for Moving” command. Alternately, you can click the “Mark for Move” sleepy button found in the button group located just below the Event Summary table.

3. Navigate to “Person A” .

4. Move the mouse to the sleepy buttons below “Person A’s” Event Summary table, and click the button labelled “Move Event”.

5. A form will be displayed that has a table listing all Events marked for moving. In this scenario, it will only have one entry which has been preselected. Click the “OK” button. The form will close, and the misplaced Event will appear in “Person A’s” Event Summary.